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Promoting Portugal
Promovendo Portugal

Consulado Geral de Portugal
Consulate General of Portugal

  Consulates in South Africa
  Consulados na África do Sul
    Portuguese House,
    Ernest Oppenheimer Blvd
    Johannesburg 2198
    PO: Box 5092
    Johannesburg 2000
    Tel: (011) 6220645/9
    Fax: (011) 6220661
    Mon-Fri 08h30 - 12h30

    Suite 1005
    Main Tower
    Standard Bank Centre
    Hertzog Boulevard
    Cape Town 8001
    Tel:(021) 418 0080/1
    Fax: 418 0084
    Mon-Fri 08h30 - 12h30
    Wed 08h30 - 15h00

    Suite 1612, 16th Floor
    320 West Street
    Durban 4001
    P.O. Box 315
    Durban 4000
    Tel.: (031) 305-7511
    Fax: (031) 304-6036
    Mon-Fri 08h30 - 12h30
    Wed 08h30 - 14h00

    The Portuguese Embassy
    Consular Section
    Barclays Square
    296 Walker Street
    Sunnyside 0132
    Tel:(012)341 5522
    Fax (012)3415690
    Mon-Fri 08H30 - 13H00

Portugal is one of the world's oldest countries. It became an independent nation in 1143, and has maintained its independence and national boundaries from the 13th century to this day, save for a brief period under Spanish domination between 1580 and 1640. Portugal became a republic on the 5th of October 1910.

Location: Portugal is the westernmost country in Continental Europe.

Area: 91,905 square kilometers including Madeira and the Azores.

Population: Approximately 10 million

Capital: Lisbon

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